By making a donation to the NPO and specifying that it’s for the "Adopt an Angel" programme, the entire amount will be transferred to LITTLE EDEN Society thereby contributing towards covering the care costs of one of the Little Eden residents. Below is a description of the programme from the LITTLE EDEN Society’s PR and Communications Officer, Mrs Nichollette Muthige.
Why adopt an angel of LITTLE EDEN Society?
Adopting one of LITTLE EDEN Society’s “Angels” not only makes a real difference in the life of a child with profound intellectual disability – it also has a personal and meaningful impact on your own life. When you sponsor a child at LITTLE EDEN Society with a regular monthly contribution, you receive a photograph and brief case history of your “angel” in a Certificate of Appreciation.
Displaying it prominently in your home says something special about you to family and visitors.
And you can enjoy further involvement by visiting your child any time (just phone first, please, to arrange a convenient time!), or arranging a birthday party for him or her. It’s amazing how interacting with these angels – many of whom radiate joy despite having to spend their lives in a wheelchair – can put day-to-day frustrations into perspective!
Above all, enjoy the satisfaction of helping to bring joy, security and dignity to a child who has to depend on the compassion and goodwill of others for life.
The cost of caring for a child at LITTLE EDEN Society is R 5.999 per month – over and above the government subsidy – and covers everything your child needs... from basic food and shelter to 24-hour care, medication, and intensive physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational-, hydro- and music therapy. But we welcome part sponsorship too – monthly gifts of R 250 (about EUR 18,00), R 500 (about EUR 36,00) or R 1.000 (about EUR 73,00). All donations to the Society are tax deductible.
Mrs Nichollette Muthige
Little Eden Society
Public Relations and Communications Officer
+ 27 (0)11 609 7246
Information on the exchange rate
South African currency: Rand (ZAR)
For the exchange rate Rand/Euro please see the following webpage: https://markets.ft.com/data/currencies.
Exchange rates are variable and subject to daily fluctuations on the international financial markets. Therefore, the amount in Rand transferred to LITTLE EDEN Society may vary according to the exchange rate of the day and the commission fees charged by banks.
To adopt an “angel” now and make a donation click here.
For further information about donors' tax benefits in Italy please refer to the section "Information for donors".
For further information on how to join our Association Domitilla Rota Hyams Onlus click here.
For further information about LITTLE EDEN Society’s sources of funding and operational costs refer to the section "Financial situation".
If you want to read more about the programme on LITTLE EDEN Society’s web site click here.