- Bank Money Transfer
Bank name: Cassa Rurale – Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Treviglio
Address: Piazza Sant'Alberto, 13
ZIP code: 24030
Town: Prezzate di Mapello
Province: BG
Country: Italy
Account No. 000000380879
IBAN : IT82 P088 9953 1900 0000 0380 879
Exact name of account holder: Associazione Domitilla Rota HyamsAddress :Sala Luzi c/o Biblioteca Comunale presso la Villa Pesenti/Cattaneo (Villa dell'Amicizia)
Via IV Novembre 62
Province : Bergamo
Country : Italy - Credit Card - Debit Card
Online donation by credit / debit cards can be made by PayPal payment system.
PayPal adheres to international PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards). Transactions are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by a dedicated team of security specialists. Their mission is to identify suspicious activity and help protect you from fraudulent transactions.
Financial information (like credit card number) is securely stored and encrypted on PayPal servers and not shared with the NPO.
Click on link below to donate quickly with your own PayPal account:
PayPal's Privacy Policy - Information for Donors
Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams is a legally recognized PBO/NPO (Onlus = Organizzazione Non Lucrativa di Utilità Sociale) in Italy since February 14, 2012, when it was enrolled in the PBO/NPO registry of the Italian Tax Office, Regional Directorate of Lombardy. There are tax benefits for donors (Italian tax payers) under Italian law.
For further information please contact the NPO secretary: segretario@domitillarotahyams.com
- Our Supporters
Municipality of Almenno San Bartolomeo
We thank the municipality and the citizens of Almenno San Bartolomeo who enthusiastically supported the NPO project from the very beginning and who provided us with logistical support by making the Civic Hall available for the NPO signing ceremony on Saturday, January 21, 2012. We thank the City Council for welcoming us and arranging for an information desk on the 3rd Festival of Spring and Associations on Sunday, May 27, 2012 at the shrine of San Tomé.
Municipality of PalazzagoWe thank the Municipality of Palazzago for having invited and hosted us on the occasion of the Feast of Local Produce on Sunday, June 17, 2012, and for having arranged an information desk to bring the NPO projects and its activities to the attention of the local community.
Videoinfotek s.n.c.We thank Videoinfotek s.n.c. for having provided the technical advice and services in implementing the PC network for the office at Alnemmo S.B. and for having created and developed the electronic data protection system.***
Parish of Almenno San Bartolomeo
We thank the parish of Almenno S.B. for their sincere enthusiasm and contribution to the NPO project.
We thank Don Dante and Don Luca for agreeing to be associated with the NPO from its very beginnings and for having providing moral, material and logistical support. In particular we thank Don Dante for having made available to the NPO, at no cost, the office space serving as the Almenno S.B. office.***
Missionary Group of Almenno San Bartolomeo
We thank the Missionary Group of Almenno San Bartolomeo for their generous support and initiatives in favour of Little Eden and which have been on-going for many years. We thank all members of the group for their active participation in the formation of the NPO project and for their continual and active contribution to its activities.***
Renato Papaleo
We thank Renato Papaleo and his race team for having advertised, pro bono, the NPO and Little Eden logos on their Formula Abarth racing car.***
Margherita Leoni
We thank the artist Margherita Leoni for the work shown on the left and authorizing its use in our NPO corporate communications.
Studio Tecnico Peritale Geom. Mauro Perico
We thank Mr. Perico Mauro for his technical advice and support of the NPO.
Contact: mauro.perico@studioperico.com
Tipografia Mondini S.n.c.
We thank Tipografia Mondini s.n.c. for their support in the graphic design and printing of the information material and for their enthusiastic contribution to the creation of the NPO corporate image.***
Cospal Composites S.r.l.
We thank Cospal Composites s.r.l. for the compassion shown in commencing with the first "Adopt an Angel" initiative in 2012.
Cospal Composites s.r.l. donated the amount necessary to cover the costs for the care of a Little Eden resident in 2012.
Daniela Taiocchi
Through LITTLE EDEN, which she visited several times since 2003, Daniela has come to appreciate the delight of combining research and writing in the desire to preserve and nurture the ideals and dreams of Domitilla and those who dream the impossible. She has a degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan with a thesis on the words and images of death. In 2004 she published her first book "A Little Paradise. The story of Domitilla and many handicapped children" printed by Velar Publishers. Together with South Africa, she has developed a passion for the island of Cuba which she loves to discuss, in schools and within interested groups, the inherent contradictions and hopes.
She works at the Gruppo Sesaab, publishers of the daily newspapers L'Eco di Bergamo, La Provincia di Como, La Provincia di Lecco, La Provincia di Sondrio, La Provincia di Varese, the weekly newspaper Il Cittadino di Monza and the monthly Orobie and counts among its media the internet websites of newspapers, various community issues and two local TV stations in Bergamo and Monza. She is currently working on a new project narrative inspired by the work of Domitilla.
Cassa Rurale – Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Treviglio
We thank Cassa Rurale – Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Treviglio and its chairman for having encouraged and supported the NPO from the very beginning and for their contributions in terms of both banking advice and material support. - 5xMille
Making a difference in someone’s life is now possible through the Italian ‘5 per Mille’ tax legislation which allows the Italian taxpayer to specify a maximum of ½ % of taxable income to be allocated to one’s preferred registered NGO. With a simple signature and our tax code you can contribute to support the children of LITTLE EDEN Society!
Your signature can help us in continuing to ensure that the residents of LITTLE EDEN Society receive, on a daily basis, the assistance and care they deserve. Metaphorically, you will be at our side on a daily basis in sustaining the activities and strong dedication of the LITTLE EDEN Society staff and its volunteers towards persons with intellectual disabilities. It’s the generosity of our supporters like you who enable the mission of LITTLE EDEN Society!
Donating LITTLE EDEN Society your 0.5% tax return is really simple! You just have to:
• sign inside the designated space concerning the support to voluntary work and nonprofit organisations, which is contained in the individual income tax return (see example below);
• insert the tax code of Domitilla Rota Hyams C.F. 03805930165 beneath your signature.Please, make sure to specify our TAX FISCAL CODE (C.F. 03805930165) in order to ensure your full donation to LITTLE EDEN Society!
To sustain the activities of the NPO and Little Eden donations can be effected by:
- Bank money transfer
- Cheques made payable to Associazione Domitilla Rota Hyams
- Credit / Debit cards
- 5x1000
In order to allow the NPO to correctly complete, issue and address the receipt confirming the donation, complete donor's data (full name, address and italian "codice fiscale" where applicable) must be specified, and a copy of the receipt of payment attached (e.g. bank receipt, credit card statement, postal receipt)
Under art. 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003, all the personal data and information shall be processed only for the realization of institutional goals promoted by the association (for more information go to the Privacy section).
Operational Office
Via IV Novembre, 62
24030 Almenno San Bartolomeo (BG)